Frequently Asked Question(s)

This is a "how to" list, as well as answers to common questions users ask about the site. Don't see your question answered? Email us at and we will help!

Log in > click “Study Now!” circular button > read front of card/think of answer (but only for a moment - recall should be nearly instantaneous) > click on card to flip it > read answer and rate yourself 1 (know it worst) to 5 (know it best). The algorithm will then set the next time to study and deliver the next card in the queue

Log in > click “My Stack” tab > click “Study this Set Only” on relevant deck

Log in > click “Discover” tab > type topic/name in search box and hit enter

Log in > click “My Stack” tab > click “New Custom Set” > name set > click save > Add cards (either by doing them one at a time on this page, or by clicking on the template and uploading them in bulk

Log In > click on “My Group” > click on any user to see what decks they’re subscribed to

Log In > click on “Settings” > modify relevant information

Log In > click on “Settings” > click on “Cancel my account” at bottom of screen

Log In > click on “Premium Decks” > click on “Cancel” next to the deck for which you do not want the subscription to renew

When users study cards, there is a 10 minute countdown timer. The goal is to help students not over-do it. If the 10 minutes expires, just finish reviewing the old cards, and quit for the day. You *can* keep going and do new cards, but the goal of this timer is to keep the time required slow-and-steady

  • Open Safari and go to Once there, on the bottom of your screen, click the square with the upward-facing arrow.
  • Click the icon that says "Add to Home Screen."
  • Name the icon something concise, like “SR”.
One more tip: move the icon to the front page of your phone and use it all the time